
10 HR Tips for Success

1. Legal Employment Obligations
Changes to employment rules, laws and regulations take place frequently. Educating yourself on the legal employment obligations of an organization is crucial to avoiding costly claims or lawsuits.

2. It’s not just about the money
There are many ways to reward and motivate employees beyond just financial compensation. Studies have found that nonfinancial rewards such as work-life balance, working atmosphere and interesting work are just as important, if not more important, than financial rewards.

3. Make your employees feel valued
Don’t underestimate the importance of new employee orientation. Even if you have only one employee, it is important to give all new workers an employee handbook that contains all the relevant information about the company and procedures in place.

4. Be human and not a robot
Everyone is different. Help employees play to their strengths, recognize good performance, address poor performance, and try to tailor “rewards” to what individuals’ value. It is also a good idea to take a genuine interest in your employees. Ask about their families. Share information. Be careful not to share too much, but be approachable.

5. Communicate, Communicate, Communicate
Communication will foster a more open working environment where mutual respect between managers and employees can thrive. Make sure employees know what’s happening in the organization and the wider industry, whatever the size of the company. Lack of information can spark rumors and dent morale.

6. Walk the Walk
If you expect good attendance, performance and conduct from your employees, make sure to set the example you want them to follow.

7. Consistency is essential
Strive to treat all managers and employees the same in regard to expectations, privileges, and exceptions.

8. Be Flexible
A flexible organization will better meet the challenges it faces in these economically uncertain times. The benefits of a flexible work environment are considerable: increased productivity, reduced absenteeism, increased loyalty to the organization, and improved staff well-being. You can implement flexible working practices such as part-time work schedules or job sharing. Introducing new technologies also enables businesses to embrace more flexibility.

9. Help the team bond
It has been proven that people who like each other work better together and yes, that’s part of your job. Create bonding events like team lunches, BBQ’s workshops, etc. are a great way for employees to spend time outside of work.

10. Don’t rely on an open door policy
Get your nose out of that computer and make time for employees. Don’t wait for them to come to you, get out and talk to your employees.

Reference: http://hrservices.sharedhr.com/blog/bid/272760/10-HR-Tips-for-Success



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