


Household of Faith

Here we are at the start committing to each other
By His word and from our hearts
We will be a family in a house that will be a home
And with faith we'll build it strong

We'll build a household of faith
That together we can make
And when the strong winds blow it won't fall down
As one in Him we'll grow and the whole world will know
We are a household of faith

Now to be a family we've got to love each other
At any cost unselfishly
And our home must be a place that fully abounds with grace
A reflection of His face

We'll build a household of faith
That together we can make
And when the strong winds blow it won't fall down
As one in Him we'll grow and the whole world will know
We are a household of faith





感謝朋友安慰 怕我無辜流淚
是我沒有防備 想得太完美 卻面對心碎
其實真的無所謂 我對過去不後悔
只是真的有點累 一夜的安睡 醒來就不疲憊

我的世界 是自由或虛空 換個方向風景就會不同
從前的夢 每一格畫面慢慢放空

我不會傷心 我的心好安靜 我們說承諾的時候都是真心
緣份就像天空的流星 飛過了總會凋零這是一種宿命
謝謝關心 要對自己公平 隨眼淚擦乾淨讓一切變得透明
張開眼睛 看清 海市蜃樓風景 所謂愛情

曾經牽過你的手 沒有走到最後
說沒一句的祝福 就是我給你的 最終的溫柔

因為年輕 難免有些任性 防守可以重來犯不著太過灰心
愛情瞬間 歸零 往事雲淡風輕 我沒有 不開心